[TCG]MP22全卡表 新卡3张

MP22-EN002 Armed Dragon Thunder LV7(武装龙·雷电 LV7)
MP22-EN006 Tri-Brigade Kitt(铁兽战线 姬特)
MP22-EN028 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World(闭界冥神 蚀日的埃列丝 )
MP22-EN037 Pot of Prosperity(金满而谦虚之壶)
MP22-EN050 Greater Polymerization(大融合)
MP22-EN056 Diviner of the Herald(宣告者的神巫)
MP22-EN059 ZS - Ascended Sage(异热同心从者-升华贤者)
MP22-EN060 Roxrose Dragon(十六夜蔷薇龙)
MP22-EN076 Albion the Branded Dragon(烙印龙 白界)
MP22-EN077 Ruddy Rose Dragon(红莲蔷薇龙)
MP22-EN081 Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray(龙装合体 龙王霍普雷)
MP22-EN084 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir(龙机巧-扶筐增二μβ')
MP22-EN123 Aluber the Jester of Despia(死狱乡的导化 阿尔贝)
MP22-EN124 Dramaturge of Despia(死狱乡的大导剧神)
MP22-EN141 Despian Quaeritis(死狱乡演员·圣墓访问者)
MP22-EN155 Branded Opening(烙印开幕)
MP22-EN163 Ready Fusion(简素融合)
MP22-EN188 Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous(白之圣女 艾克莉西娅)
MP22-EN205 Lord of the Heavenly Prison(天狱之王)
MP22-EN209 Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer(命运-英雄 毁灭不死鸟魔侠)
MP22-EN216 Evil★Twin's Trouble Sunny(邪恶★双子克星 麻烦·桑妮)
MP22-EN220 Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map(蓬松奇风鸟与谜之地图)
MP22-EN225 Small World(小世界现象)
MP22-EN253 Lightning Storm(闪电风暴)
MP22-EN254 Forbidden Droplet(禁忌的一滴)
MP22-EN255 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit(幽鬼兔)
MP22-EN257 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring(灰流丽)
MP22-EN258 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion(屋敷童子)
MP22-EN264 Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon(超魔导龙骑士-真红眼龙骑士)
MP22-EN265 Crossout Designator(抹杀之指名者)
MP22-EN266 Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)
MP22-EN267 Red-Eyes Black Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
MP22-EN268 Dark Magician Girl(黑魔导女孩)
MP22-EN269 Duel Tower(决斗塔 阿尔卡特拉斯)
MP22-EN270 Rainbow Bridge of Salvation(拯救的桥梁)
MP22-EN271 Link into the VRAINS!(进入境智网!)

MP22-EN001 Armed Dragon Thunder LV10(武装龙·雷电 LV10)
MP22-EN014 Machina Unclaspare(机甲未分类备用兵)
MP22-EN016 Heavenly Zephyr - Miradora(风之天翼 米拉多羽蛇)
MP22-EN039 Dogmatika Genesis(教导的创成)
MP22-EN049 Breath of Acclamation(褒誉之息吹)
MP22-EN051 Reinforcement of the Army's Troops(增援部队)
MP22-EN054 War Rock Skyler(战吼·丝姬拉)
MP22-EN067 Scrap Raptor(废铁盗龙)
MP22-EN068 Dark Honest(暗黑欧尼斯特)
MP22-EN070 Pharaonic Guardian Sphinx(王家的守护者 斯芬克斯)
MP22-EN072 Dark Eye Nightmare(暗眼梦魇骑士)
MP22-EN074 Otoshidamashi(落魂)
MP22-EN085 Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager(铁兽战线 块击之贝尔布鲁厄姆)
MP22-EN086 Dark Infant @Ignister(暗幼童@伊格尼斯者)
MP22-EN089 Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous(照耀之光灵使 莱娜)
MP22-EN091 Zexal Construction(异热同心构筑)
MP22-EN095 A.I. Meet You(不期而遇-妨“艾”-)
MP22-EN112 D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell(DDD 超视王 零·麦克斯韦)
MP22-EN119 Stardust Synchron(星尘同步士)
MP22-EN120 Stardust Trail(星尘尾迹)
MP22-EN145 Allvain the Essence of Vanity(无之毕竟)
MP22-EN147 Gaiarmor Dragonshell(甲缠龙 地铠古龙)
MP22-EN151 Dragonlark Pairen(告天子龙 百灵)
MP22-EN156 Branded Bond(烙印的牵绊)
MP22-EN164 Synchro Overtake(同步超车)
MP22-EN172 Baby Mudragon(泥龙王宝宝)
MP22-EN186 Heritage of the Light(光之继承)
MP22-EN197 Floowandereeze & Toccan(蓬松奇风鸟×巨嘴鸟)
MP22-EN204 Mimicking Man-Eater Bug(拟态的食人虫)
MP22-EN233 D.D. Assault Carrier(异次元突击舰)
MP22-EN234 Abyss Keeper(深渊怪鱼卫士)
MP22-EN235 Apex Predation(绝对的捕食)
MP22-EN245 Rebuildeer(重建鹿)
MP22-EN246 Threshold Borg(阈电压电子人)
MP22-EN248 Danger! Disturbance! Disorder!(激动的未界域)
MP22-EN250 Contract with the Abyss(与奈落的契约)
MP22-EN251 Earth Chant(大地赞颂)
MP22-EN252 Sprite's Blessing(精灵的祝福)
MP22-EN261 Nibiru, the Primal Being(原始生命态 尼比鲁)
MP22-EN262 Dark Ruler No More(冥王结界波)
MP22-EN263 Dimension Shifter(次元吸引者)
MP22-EN272 Soul Energy MAX!!!(灵魂能量最大级!!)
MP22-EN273 The Revived Sky God
MP22-EN274 The Breaking Ruin God
MP22-EN275 The True Sun God

MP22-EN015 Live☆Twin Lil-la Treat(直播☆双子 璃拉·糖果)
MP22-EN018 Radiant Vouirescence(契珖之荧光亚龙)
MP22-EN042 Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu(电脑堺门-玄武)
MP22-EN057 ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber(异热同心武器-天马双翼剑)
MP22-EN058 ZS - Armed Sage(异热同心从者-武装贤者)
MP22-EN062 Danmari @Ignister(默默妖@伊格尼斯者)
MP22-EN063 Traptrix Vesiculo(吉娜之虫惑魔)
MP22-EN064 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒·霜精)
MP22-EN075 White Knight of Dogmatika(凶导的白骑士)
MP22-EN087 Traptrix Cularia(库拉莉亚之虫惑魔)
MP22-EN088 Paleozoic Cambroraster(伯吉斯异兽·寒武耙虾)
MP22-EN099 Book of Lunar Eclipse(月全食之书)
MP22-EN103 Screams of the Branded(烙印凶鸣)
MP22-EN113 Binary Blader(二进制剑士)
MP22-EN114 Sunavalon Daphne(圣天树之月桂精)
MP22-EN116 Sunvine Cross Breed(圣蔓的交配)
MP22-EN127 Gunkan Suship Shari(舍利军贯)
MP22-EN137 Slower Swallow(投送燕)
MP22-EN162 High Ritual Art(高尚仪式术)
MP22-EN171 Beast King Unleashed(兽王无尘)
MP22-EN185 Gouki Finishing Move(刚鬼终结技)
MP22-EN191 Icejade Tremora(冰水之透闪石精)
MP22-EN196 Floowandereeze & Stri(蓬松奇风鸟×鸵鸟)
MP22-EN198 Floowandereeze & Empen(蓬松奇风鸟×帝企)
MP22-EN203 Machina Ruinforce(机甲部队·毁灭武装力量)
MP22-EN208 Masquerade the Blazing Dragon(赫灼龙 伪装)
MP22-EN226 Magical Cylinders(上膛圆筒弹巢)
MP22-EN256 Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries(浮幽樱)
MP22-EN259 Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood(儚无水木)
MP22-EN260 Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill(朔夜时雨)

MP22-EN005 Armed Dragon LV10 White(武装龙 LV10-白)
MP22-EN013 Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens(光天之摩诃毗卢)
MP22-EN019 Amanokujaki(天孔邪鬼)
MP22-EN023 Windwitch - Diamond Bell(风魔女-钻石钟)
MP22-EN027 Heavymetalfoes Amalgam(刚炼装勇士·汞齐混融者)
MP22-EN029 Armed Dragon Flash(武装龙的霹雳)
MP22-EN035 Parametalfoes Fusion(混炼装融合)
MP22-EN036 Archfiend's Staff of Despair(恶魔之杖)
MP22-EN053 Synchro Transmission(同步传送)
MP22-EN055 Virtual World Oto-Hime - Toutou(电脑堺嫦-兔兔)
MP22-EN061 Ruddy Rose Witch(红莲蔷薇之魔女)
MP22-EN069 Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance(光之天穿 巴哈路蒂亚)
MP22-EN078 Garden Rose Flora(花园蔷薇花神)
MP22-EN079 Lavalval Exlord(熔岩谷爆烈王)
MP22-EN082 ZW - Dragonic Halberd(异热同心武器-重型兵装龙王戟)
MP22-EN083 Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe(结晶之魔女 桑德里永)
MP22-EN090 Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force(升阶魔法-异热同心之力)
MP22-EN098 Birth of the Prominence Flame(炎雄爆诞)
MP22-EN105 Proof of Pruflas(恶魔证明之普鲁夫拉斯)
MP22-EN106 Thron the Disciplined Angel(圣座天嗣 坐天使)
MP22-EN107 Pendransaction(事务处理蜈蚣鲸)
MP22-EN117 Beetrooper Scout Buggy(骑甲虫 侦察虫车兵)
MP22-EN126 Clavkiys, the Magikey Skyblaster(魔键铳士-克莱维斯)
MP22-EN135 Glacier Aqua Madoor(冰河之水魔道士)
MP22-EN149 Chronomaly Vimana(先史遗产 维摩那)
MP22-EN150 Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider(黑熔龙骑 沃尔尼吉斯)
MP22-EN152 Stardust Illumination(星尘照射)
MP22-EN154 Despia, Theater of the Branded(烙印剧城 绝望死狱乡)
MP22-EN158 Magikey World(魔键施解)
MP22-EN160 Sacred Scrolls of the Gizmek Legend(机巧传-神使记纪图)
MP22-EN165 Pendulum Treasure(灵摆宝藏)
MP22-EN166 Majestic Mirage(救世幻象)
MP22-EN170 Monster Assortment(怪兽集锦)
MP22-EN193 Floowandereeze & Snowl(蓬松奇风鸟×雪猫头鹰)
MP22-EN194 Floowandereeze & Robina(蓬松奇风鸟×知更鸟)
MP22-EN195 Floowandereeze & Eglen(蓬松奇风鸟×白头鹰)
MP22-EN210 Ultimate Flagship Ursatron(天极辉舰-熊斗龙巧)
MP22-EN211 Magikey Fiend - Transfurlmine(魔键变鬼-特兰斯佛尔米雷)
MP22-EN213 Magikey Spirit - Vepartu(魔键凭灵-威沛图)
MP22-EN219 Branded in Red(赫之烙印)
MP22-EN221 Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds(蓬松奇风鸟与未知之风)
MP22-EN230 Stained Glass of Light & Dark(圣邪之彩色玻璃花窗)
MP22-EN231 Laundry Trap(洗衣龙女困境)

MP22-EN003 Armed Dragon Thunder LV5(武装龙·雷电 LV5)
MP22-EN004 Armed Dragon Thunder LV3(武装龙·雷电 LV3)
MP22-EN007 Windwitch - Blizzard Bell(风魔女-雪暴铃)
MP22-EN008 Windwitch - Freeze Bell(风魔女-冻铃)
MP22-EN009 Fabled Marcosia(魔轰神 马可西亚)
MP22-EN010 The Fabled Abanc(魔轰神兽 阿凡克)
MP22-EN011 Metalfoes Vanisher(炼装勇士·消灭)
MP22-EN012 Constellar Caduceus(星圣商神杖使)
MP22-EN017 Fairy Archer Ingunar(妖精弓士 因古纳尔)
MP22-EN020 Guitar Gurnards Duonigis(黄纺鮄 黄鲂二重奏)
MP22-EN021 Wightbaking(白骨烤王)
MP22-EN022 Parametalfoes Azortless(混炼装勇士·阿佐特要塞姬)
MP22-EN024 Fabled Andwraith(魔轰神 安德剌斯)
MP22-EN025 Dragunity Knight - Gormfaobhar(龙骑兵团骑士-碧枪龙骑士)
MP22-EN026 Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton(神树兽 许珀利冬)
MP22-EN030 Armed Dragon Blitz(武装龙的袭雷)
MP22-EN031 Armed Dragon Lightning(武装龙的震霆)
MP22-EN032 Tri-Brigade Rendezvous(铁兽的邂逅)
MP22-EN033 Windwitch Chimes(风魔女的铃音)
MP22-EN034 Stairway to a Fabled Realm(魔轰神界之阶)
MP22-EN038 Armed Dragon Thunderbolt(武装龙的万雷)
MP22-EN040 Icy Breeze Refrain(冰风之副歌)
MP22-EN041 Fabled Treason(弑逆的魔轰神)
MP22-EN043 E.M.R.(电磁轨道炮)
MP22-EN044 Angel Statue - Azurune(碑像天使-亚兹卢恩死月弓碑)
MP22-EN045 Materiactor Gigadra(物质炉巨龙)
MP22-EN046 Coordius the Triphasic Dealmon(三相魔神 科迪乌斯)
MP22-EN047 Materiactor Gigaboros(物质炉衔尾巨蛇)
MP22-EN048 Steel Star Regulator(肃星之钢机)
MP22-EN052 Psychic Eraser Laser(念力抹除光)
MP22-EN065 Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide(海造贼-黑翼水先人)
MP22-EN066 Judge of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的净玻璃)
MP22-EN071 Anchamoufrite(迷彩光书签)
MP22-EN073 Yamorimori(壁虎蝾螈)
MP22-EN080 Star Mine(速射连发烟花)
MP22-EN092 Zexal Entrust(异热同心信托)
MP22-EN093 Branded in White(白之烙印)
MP22-EN094 Basal Rose Shoot(馨香蔷薇的发芽)
MP22-EN096 You and A.I.(友情-真“艾”-)
MP22-EN097 Bujincandescence(武神篱)
MP22-EN100 One-Kuri-Way(一键式通路)
MP22-EN101 Hidden Springs of the Far East(极东秘泉乡)
MP22-EN102 Zexal Alliance(异热同心联盟)
MP22-EN104 Judgment of the Branded(烙印的裁决)
MP22-EN108 Expendable Dai(粗人对刺)
MP22-EN109 Terrors of the Underroot(常世离)
MP22-EN110 Eda the Sun Magician(太阳之魔术师 埃达)
MP22-EN111 Staysailor Romarin(支索帆水手·航海迷迭香)
MP22-EN115 Sunavalon Melias(圣天树之灰树精)
MP22-EN118 Converging Wills Dragon(集心龙)
MP22-EN121 Despian Comedy(喜剧之死狱乡演员)
MP22-EN122 Despian Tragedy(悲剧之死狱乡演员)
MP22-EN125 Albion the Shrouded Dragon(黑衣龙 白界)
MP22-EN128 Gunkan Suship Ikura(鲑鱼子军贯)
MP22-EN129 Chronomaly Magella Globe(先史遗产 墨瓦腊地球仪)
MP22-EN130 Gizmek Inaba, the Hopping Hare of Hakuto(机巧菟-稻羽之淤岐素)
MP22-EN131 Gizmek Naganaki, the Sunrise Signaler(机巧鸟-常世宇受卖长鸣)
MP22-EN132 Gizmek Taniguku, the Immobile Intellect(机巧蛙-磐盾多迩具久)
MP22-EN133 Gizmek Arakami, the Hailbringer Hog(机巧猪-伊服岐雹荒神)
MP22-EN134 Carpiponica, Mystical Beast of the Forest(森之圣兽 熊四手兽)
MP22-EN136 Master's Diploman(修士号 文凭人)
MP22-EN138 Aeropixthree(健美操妖精Ξ)
MP22-EN139 Magikey Mechmusket - Batosbuster(魔键铳-巴托斯巴斯特)
MP22-EN140 Magikey Mechmortar - Garesglasser(魔键炮-加雷斯维特)
MP22-EN142 Despian Proskenion(死狱乡演员·镜框舞台龙)
MP22-EN143 Magikey Beast - Ansyalabolas(魔键召兽-安希亚拉波斯)
MP22-EN144 Magikey Dragon - Andrabime(魔键召龙-安托比姆斯)
MP22-EN146 Stellar Wind Wolfrayet(星风狼 沃尔夫拉叶狼)
MP22-EN148 Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought(无畏军贯-鲑鱼子级一号舰)
MP22-EN153 Majestic Absorption(救世吸收)
MP22-EN157 Magikey Maftea(魔键-马夫提亚)
MP22-EN159 Gunkan Sushipyard Seaside Supper Spot(军贯处『海战』)
MP22-EN161 Live☆Twin Sunny's Snitch(直播☆双子麻烦桑)
MP22-EN167 Magikey Duo(联结之魔键)
MP22-EN168 Magikey Unlocking(魔键锭-解-)
MP22-EN169 Gunkan Suship Daily Special(随兴捏军贯)
MP22-EN173 Pazuzule(拼图帕祖祖)
MP22-EN174 Beetrooper Scale Bomber(骑甲虫 鳞粉炸弹兵)
MP22-EN175 Beetrooper Sting Lancer(骑甲虫 刺螫长枪兵)
MP22-EN176 Beetrooper Armor Horn(骑甲虫 武装犄角兵)
MP22-EN177 Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas(大骑甲虫 无敌擎天独角仙)
MP22-EN178 Beetrooper Formation(骑甲虫队战术机动)
MP22-EN179 Beetrooper Fly & Sting(骑甲虫空杀舞队)
MP22-EN180 Link Apple(连接苹果)
MP22-EN181 Flying Red Carp(飞鲤)
MP22-EN182 Dinowrestler Iguanodraka(恐龙摔跤手·俄式拳角禽龙)
MP22-EN183 Shinobi Insect Hagakuremino(虫忍 叶隐蓑)
MP22-EN184 Trickstar Festival(淘气仙星音乐节)
MP22-EN187 Rokket Caliber(弹丸口径龙)
MP22-EN189 Icejade Acti(冰水之阳起石精)
MP22-EN190 Icejade Tinola(冰水之阳起石灵)
MP22-EN192 Ad Libitum of Despia(死狱乡的凶剧)
MP22-EN199 Destiny HERO - Denier(命运-英雄 否定人)
MP22-EN200 Maginificent Magikey Mafteal(大魔键-马夫提亚尔)
MP22-EN201 Gunkan Suship Uni(海胆军贯)
MP22-EN202 Gunkan Suship Shirauo(银鱼军贯)
MP22-EN206 Undaunted Bumpkin Beast(不屈的兽仆)
MP22-EN207 Meowseclick(触点抖动啁啾猫)
MP22-EN212 Zoroa, the Magistus Conflagrant Calamity(绝火之魔神 琐罗亚)
MP22-EN214 Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought(超无畏军贯-海胆级二号舰)
MP22-EN215 Gunkan Suship Shirauo-class Carrier(空母军贯-银鱼级特务舰)
MP22-EN217 Branded in High Spirits(烙印的气炎)
MP22-EN218 Icejade Cradle(冰水摇篮)
MP22-EN222 Magikey Battle(魔键斗争)
MP22-EN223 Sunvine Sowing(圣蔓的播种)
MP22-EN224 Supernatural Danger Zone(超自然警戒区域)
MP22-EN227 Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town(蓬松奇风鸟与梦之町)
MP22-EN228 Floowandereeze and the Scary Sea(蓬松奇风鸟与恐怖之海)
MP22-EN229 Magikey Locking(魔键锭-施-)
MP22-EN232 Night Sword Serpent(夜刀蛇巳)
MP22-EN236 Beetrooper Assault Roller(骑甲虫 突击滚球兵)
MP22-EN237 Beetrooper Light Flapper(骑甲虫 轻装振翅兵)
MP22-EN238 Heavy Beetrooper Mighty Neptune(重骑甲虫 强劲海神独角仙)
MP22-EN239 Ultra Beetrooper Absolute Hercules(超骑甲虫 绝对大力独角仙)
MP22-EN240 Beetrooper Descent(骑甲虫队降下作战)
MP22-EN241 Beetrooper Landing(骑甲虫队上陆态势)
MP22-EN242 Beetrooper Squad(骑甲虫步兵分队)
MP22-EN243 Flip Frozen(触发器冻结妖)
MP22-EN244 Bravedrive(驱动勇士)
MP22-EN247 Cynet Crosswipe(电脑网交叉清除)
MP22-EN249 Cynet Cascade(电脑网级联)


BLVO-EN000 War Rock Mountain(战吼的奇岩)
BLVO-EN011 S-Force Rappa Chiyomaru(超元特防队 乱破小夜丸)
BLVO-EN040 Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord(黄金狂 黄金国巫妖)
BLVO-EN057 S-Force Bridgehead(超元特防队桥头堡)
BLVO-EN092 Underdog(形势反转)
BLVO-EN014 S-Force Gravitino(超元特防队 引力微子)
BLVO-EN015 S-Force Pla-Tina(超元特防队 白金蒂娜)
BLVO-EN041 Dual Avatar - Empowered Mitsu-Jaku(双天将 密迹)
BLVO-EN046 Springans Ship - Exblowrer(守宝团 喧闹探险者号)
BLVO-EN048 S-Force Justify(超元特防队 证义)
BLVO-EN062 Seven Cities of the Golden Land(黄金乡的七摩天)
BLVO-EN097 War Rock Bashileos(战吼·巴西莱奥斯)
BLVO-EN013 S-Force Orrafist(超元特防队 孔口测量员)
BLVO-EN025 Ancient Warriors - Rebellious Lu Feng(战华之叛-吕奉)
BLVO-EN042 Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor(梦魔镜的魇魔-涅伊洛斯)
BLVO-EN054 Springans Watch(守宝团监视)
BLVO-EN055 Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda(大沙海 黄金戈尔工达)
BLVO-EN093 War Rock Fortia(战吼·福蒂亚)
BLVO-EN094 War Rock Gactos(战吼·加托斯)
BLVO-EN006 Springans Rockey(守宝团·小火箭)
BLVO-EN007 Springans Pedor(守宝团·鱼雷)
BLVO-EN008 Springans Branga(守宝团·爆竹)
BLVO-EN009 Springans Captain Sargas(守宝团船长 天蝎尾)
BLVO-EN012 S-Force Professor DiGamma(超元特防队 Ϝ教授)
BLVO-EN020 Parametalfoes Melcaster(混炼装勇士·汞巫)
BLVO-EN023 Digital Bug Registrider(电子光虫-电阻水黾)
BLVO-EN026 Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple(梦魔镜的使徒-涅洛伊)
BLVO-EN032 Gigathunder Giclops(大雷陀螺仪独眼巨人)
BLVO-EN036 Ojama Pink(扰乱·粉)
BLVO-EN037 Knight of Armor Dragon(铠龙之圣骑士)
BLVO-EN038 Sprind the Irondash Dragon(铁驱龙 迅妖龙)
BLVO-EN058 S-Force Showdown(超元特防队对决)
BLVO-EN064 Armor Dragon Ritual(铠龙降临)
BLVO-EN066 Tilted Try(孤注差一掷)
BLVO-EN068 Springans Call!(守宝团呼唤!)
BLVO-EN069 Springans Blast!(守宝团爆破!)
BLVO-EN071 S-Force Specimen(超元特防队样本)
BLVO-EN074 Ancient Warriors Saga - Chivalrous Path(战华史略-大丈夫之义)
BLVO-EN076 Dual Avatar Ascendance(双天的转身)
BLVO-EN077 Dream Mirror Recap(梦魔镜的说梦)
BLVO-EN080 Linear Equation Cannon(一时炮固定式)
BLVO-EN082 Raging Storm Dragon - Beaufort IX(飓风龙-蒲福九风龙)
BLVO-EN091 Pendulum Encore(灵摆返场)
BLVO-EN095 War Rock Orpis(战吼·奥菲斯)
BLVO-EN098 War Rock Ordeal(战吼试炼)

LIOV-EN006 Amazement Administrator Arlekino(惊乐园的支配人 <∀丑角>)
LIOV-EN048 Benghalancer the Resurgent(回生之铁丹尼拘律树)
LIOV-EN056 Amazing Time Ticket(惊奇时段通行证)
LIOV-EN088 War Rock Meteoragon(战吼·迈泰奥拉贡)
LIOV-EN008 Amazement Attendant Comica(惊乐园的案内人 <C丑角>)
LIOV-EN034 Mysterion the Dragon Crown(奥秘之龙冠)
LIOV-EN071 Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster(惊奇游乐设施·∀·旋风过山车)
LIOV-EN075 Amaze Attraction Horror House(惊奇游乐设施·∀·恐怖鬼屋)
LIOV-EN077 S-Force Chase(超元特防队追缉)
LIOV-EN089 War Rock Dignity(战吼威严)
LIOV-EN004 Supreme Sovereign Serpent of Golgonda(霸蛇大公 戈尔工达)
LIOV-EN013 Bujin Torifune(武神-鸟船)
LIOV-EN015 S-Force Edge Razor(超元特防队 拔刃者)
LIOV-EN041 Springans Merrymaker(守宝团欢乐制造机)
LIOV-EN058 Amazement Precious Park(惊乐珍宝园)
LIOV-EN070 Amazement Family Faces(惊乐家族脸)
LIOV-EN086 War Rock Wento(战吼·温托)
LIOV-EN090 War Rock Spirit(战吼精神)
LIOV-EN005 Springans Brothers(守宝团兄弟)
LIOV-EN007 Amazement Ambassador Bufo(惊乐园的大使 <B丑角>)
LIOV-EN012 Bujin Mahitotsu(武神-目一箇)
LIOV-EN014 S-Force Dog Tag(超元特防队 组队双犬)
LIOV-EN019 Starry Knight Ciel(圣夜·西耶勒)
LIOV-EN025 Sky Scourge Cidhels(天魔神 希德赫尔斯)
LIOV-EN028 World Soul - Carbon(地久神-碳素灵)
LIOV-EN030 Clock Arc(变导机咎 弧线钟摆机)
LIOV-EN053 Dogmatikalamity(凶导的福音)
LIOV-EN054 Springans Booty(守宝团战利品)
LIOV-EN057 Amazement Special Show(惊乐特别秀)
LIOV-EN072 Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel(惊奇游乐设施·∀·神奇摩天轮)
LIOV-EN073 Amaze Attraction Majestic Merry-Go-Round(惊奇游乐设施·∀·威风旋转木马)
LIOV-EN074 Amaze Attraction Rapid Racing(惊奇游乐设施·∀·疾速赛车)
LIOV-EN076 A.I. Challenge You(生死决斗-节“艾”-)
LIOV-EN078 One by One(一接一)
LIOV-EN079 Boo-Boo Game(垫底者盗宝游戏)
LIOV-EN080 Fukubiki(福悲喜)
LIOV-EN087 War Rock Mammud(战吼·猛穆德)
LIOV-EN091 War Rock Generations(战吼造育)
LIOV-EN092 War Rock Big Blow(战吼大打击)

DAMA-EN009 The Iris Swordsoul(妖眼之相剑师)
DAMA-EN024 Antihuman Intelligence ME-PSY-YA(人攻智能 救-思-主)
DAMA-EN039 Shooting Majestic Star Dragon(流天救世星龙)
DAMA-EN050 Arrive in Light(光来的奇迹)
DAMA-EN025 Protecting Spirit Loagaeth(守护天灵 洛加埃斯)
DAMA-EN048 GranSolfachord Musecia(大钢琴之七音服·缪塞西娅)
DAMA-EN020 Amazement Assistant Delia(惊乐园的助手 <D丑角>)
DAMA-EN040 Daigusto Laplampilica(大薰风兽使 翼心皮莉佳)
DAMA-EN079 Stall Turn(失速倒转)
DAMA-EN083 Night's End Administrator(夜尽管理者)
DAMA-EN095 Tindangle Jhrelth(廷达魔三角之结界石)
DAMA-EN014 Chronomaly Acambaro Figures(先史遗产 阿坎巴罗土偶)
DAMA-EN019 Gusto Vedir(薰风苍鹰)
DAMA-EN021 Alien Stealthbuster(外星人破坏者)
DAMA-EN027 Konohanasakuya(木花咲弥)
DAMA-EN028 Doombearer Psychopompos(死眼之传灵-普绪科蓬波斯)
DAMA-EN030 Saambell the Star Bonder(绊醒师 塞姆贝尔)
DAMA-EN047 Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll(宇宙铗 泽罗奥尔)
DAMA-EN049 Dispatchparazzi(激摄特派狗仔队)
DAMA-EN059 Chronomaly Temple - Trilithon(先史遗产惊神殿-三巨石)
DAMA-EN061 Tailwind of Gusto(给薰风的追风)
DAMA-EN063 Triamid Loading(古代遗迹的肃静)
DAMA-EN064 Dimer Synthesis(二量合成)
DAMA-EN069 Margin Trading(信用取引)
DAMA-EN071 Springans Interluder(守宝团中间介入)
DAMA-EN075 Chronomaly Esperanza Glyph(先史遗产石纹)
DAMA-EN076 Amaze Attraction Viking Vortex(惊奇游乐设施·∀·征服海盗船)
DAMA-EN080 Jar of Generosity(谦虚之瓶)
DAMA-EN084 Ra'ten, the Heavenly General(罗天神将)
DAMA-EN085 D.D.D. - Different Dimension Derby(异次元赛马)
DAMA-EN097 Two Toads with One Sting(一惜二跳)

BODE-EN003 Swordsoul of Mo Ye(相剑师-莫邪)
BODE-EN041 Swordsoul Grandmaster - Chixiao(相剑大师-赤霄)
BODE-EN005 Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan(相剑军师-龙渊)
BODE-EN036 Borreload Riot Dragon(装弹枪管暴动龙)
BODE-EN042 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying(相剑大公-承影)
BODE-EN050 Borrelcode Dragon(代码枪管龙)
BODE-EN053 Swordsoul Emergence(龙相剑现)
BODE-EN002 Double Disruptor Dragon(双持手枪龙)
BODE-EN004 Swordsoul of Taia(相剑师-泰阿)
BODE-EN006 Swordsoul Auspice Chunjun(相剑瑞兽-纯钧)
BODE-EN043 Reptilianne Melusine(爬虫妖女·梅露辛)
BODE-EN052 Heavy Interlock(重型扳机)
BODE-EN054 Swordsoul Sacred Summit(大灵峰相剑门)
BODE-EN060 Reptilianne Ramifications(爬虫妖女的蛇化分歧)
BODE-EN098 Bayonet Punisher(枪刺处刑刃)
BODE-EN019 Reptilianne Nyami(爬虫妖女·尼亚米尼)
BODE-EN020 Reptilianne Coatl(爬虫妖女·科亚特尔)
BODE-EN024 Penguin Squire(企鹅勇士)
BODE-EN025 Penguin Ninja(企鹅忍者)
BODE-EN026 Penguin Cleric(企鹅僧侣)
BODE-EN027 Starry Knight Orbitael(圣夜骑士团·奥比泰尔)
BODE-EN031 Fengli the Soldrapom(阳龙果 凤梨)
BODE-EN032 Geminize Lord Golknight(重起士道-金骑士)
BODE-EN035 Outstanding Dog Mary(迷犬 小玛栗)
BODE-EN037 Transonic Bird(跨音速鸟)
BODE-EN046 Cupid Pitch(垒球小爱神)
BODE-EN061 Reptilianne Recoil(爬虫妖报应)
BODE-EN063 Royal Penguins Garden(王家企鹅花园)
BODE-EN064 Sonic Tracker(音速的追赶者)
BODE-EN066 Ursarctic Drytron(天斗辉巧极)
BODE-EN068 Night Flight(夜之逃飞行)
BODE-EN071 Detonation Code(导爆代码)
BODE-EN072 Swordsoul Assessment(瑞相剑究)
BODE-EN073 Swordsoul Blackout(相剑暗转)
BODE-EN076 Break the Destiny(打破命运)
BODE-EN079 Giant Starfall(巨星坠)


MP22-EN273(UR)The Revived Sky God

The True Sun God
①:作为这张卡发动时的效果处理,从卡组把1只「太阳神之翼神龙」或者有那个卡名记述的「The True Sun God」以外的1张卡加入手卡。


The Breaking Ruin God
①:从自己手卡·墓地把1只「欧贝利斯克之巨神兵 」特殊召唤。这个效果特殊召唤的怪兽这回合不受对方的效果影响。②:自己场上有「欧贝利斯克之巨神兵 」存在,为让自己的效果发动而把怪兽2只以上同时解放的场合,把墓地的这张卡除外才能发动。对方墓地的怪兽全部除外,给对方除外的数量×500伤害。

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