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I’m Eric Shen, Executive Producer for Legends of Runeterra. Now that Dreamlit Paths is out, we wanted to give players a clearer picture of our plans for Ranked play.

我是《符文之地传奇》的执行制作人Eric Shen。现在『梦灼之路』已经上线,我们想向玩家们清晰地介绍我们对排位赛的计划。


This upcoming Ranked season with Dreamlit Paths will occur as regularly scheduled, meaning that Ranked Standard will run for the full time, and Ranked Eternal will turn on during the third month of the Set, starting June 19th. Players will be able to climb the ranks and at the end, receive a player title commemorating their final rank. As always, Casual Standard and Casual Eternal will be up throughout.



Both Ranked Standard and Ranked Eternal seasons are currently slated to end on August 1st, 2024.  At that point, we intend to start a new season for Ranked Standard. In lieu of introducing a new set, we’ll be doing another rotation in order to freshen up Standard. This Ranked Standard season will last for two months. At that point, we’ll take down Ranked Standard and turn on Ranked Eternal. The goal of our approach is to make sure Ranked queues have a healthy player pool to allow fast matchmaking times with high-quality matches. Casual queues for both formats will stay up. Once this new setup goes live, we’ll monitor closely and keep an eye out for your feedback.



Moving forward, each season will consist of two months of Ranked Standard, then one month of Ranked Eternal, with player titles as rewards for top finishers. If you finish a standard season in the Masters tier, you'll get the title "Master," and for our players who dominate and land in the top 100 placements on the Leaderboard you'll get the title "Top 100." But what about players who consistently hit Masters or top 100? Each repeated finish in Masters or top 100 from a new season will give you a stacked title to commemorate your achievement in the game. For example: if you finish in Masters 4 times you'll get "Masters x4." The same applies to Eternal, with their own titles, giving players a goal to shoot for across multiple seasons. 

未来,每个赛季将包括两个月的标准模式排位赛,然后是一个月的永恒模式排位赛,顶尖玩家将获得头衔作为奖励。如果您在标准模式排位赛达到大师级别,您将获得“大师”头衔,而那些在排行榜中位列前100名的玩家将获得“前100名”头衔。但是,对于那些一直在大师级别或前100名之间稳定表现的玩家呢?每个新赛季中的大师级别或前100名排名都将为您颁发一个堆叠头衔,以纪念您在游戏中的成就。例如:如果您连续四次达到大师级别,您将获得“大师 x4”头衔。永恒模式排位赛也适用同样的规则,玩家可以在多个赛季中争取这一目标。


Every three months, we’ll refresh Standard with this approach, bringing in a new flavor of rotation to the champion and card pool. While some of these future rotations will differ in size and shape, the goal will remain the same: keeping the meta fresh while maintaining a healthy pool of cards in Standard.



We look forward to hearing your thoughts once this new format rolls out and as for now, we hope you enjoy journeying through LoR’s latest expansion, Dreamlit Paths! GGs!


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